June 18, 2024

15 Must-Have Ecommerce Integrations To Transform Your Store

Alena Arsionava

Technology Evangelist


Ecommerce Integration Guide: Types, Benefits and Best Tools

Alena Arsionava

Technology Evangelist


Ecommerce Integration Guide: Types, Benefits and Best Tools

Navigating the work of e-сommerce integrations can be a complex endeavor. Our guide will help you learn all the basics about e-commerce integrations and why they matter for online business.

Key Takeaways

  • Ecommerce integrations streamline operations by automating processes, synchronizing data, and enhancing functionality, ultimately improving efficiency and driving business growth.
  • The most important integrations for an ecommerce store typically include payment gateways, inventory management systems, and shipping solutions.
  • When selecting an ecommerce integration, carefully assess your business needs, evaluate compatibility with your existing systems, and prioritize solutions that offer scalability, customization options, and robust support.
  • NEKLO’s ecommerce integration services ensure a smooth and efficient implementation in your store. We work with different ecommerce platforms and integration solutions.

What are Ecommerce Integrations 

E-commerce integrations are third-party software that adds the missing functionality to your store or extends the one you already have. Depending on their features and scope, they may be called plugins, add-ons, systems, or tools.  

In 2022, 85% of online stores used social media integrations on their site, while only 39% of e-commerce sites installed user experience integrations (Statista reports). Enhancing your store experience with integrations can give you a competitive edge.

Share of e-commerce sites with integrations: social media (85%), email marketing (67%), reviews (34%), user experience (39%).
E-commerce Sites With Integrations. Source

From a technical standpoint, an e-commerce integration is a piece of software that lets your store connect and exchange data with third-party systems. The data can be anything - from customer information, payment requests, to the number of interactions with your website. 

Why Ecommerce Integrations Matter

E-commerce integrations benefits: enhanced operational efficiency, improved customer experience, enhanced data accuacy, reduced manual errors, better inventory control.

Integrations make your life easier by connecting different parts of your online business. They help you save time, make use of new cool features missing in your default platform, serve your customers better, and grow your online presence. With e-commerce integrations, you can gain the following benefits:

Engage customers and increase sales

By integrating marketing tools, you can reach your customers at every step of their journey, track their behavior and purchase preferences, and engage them through personalized campaigns. The process is fully automated, from customer segmentation to email follow-ups to personalized discount offers. 

Manage data, customers, orders

Ecommerce integrations can provide real-time visibility into stock levels, help you organize and process data. Such solutions also let you track their status, and fulfill them with zero effort, making sure every customer order is processed and shipped.

Improve customer service

Helpdesk integrations let you manage customer inquiries and track issues. For SaaS companies, customers can create support tickets themselves, and you can manage them by priority, department, or product. Integration with live chat software lets you address any customer concerns or questions on the spot and convert them more efficiently.  

Automate tasks

Managing inventory across multiple sales channels often requires manual updates, e.g. in default Magento. However, PIM integrations leave most human browsing behind, providing real-time synchronization of stock levels, order processing, and tracking across all your sales channels.  

Enhance store navigation

The default product navigation and checkout options often don't meet the needs of a particular niche or business. With advanced product recommendation tools and CRMs, you can let your customers browse, filter, and search for products faster. The checkout, one of the most critical steps in online shopping, can be enhanced, too. From payment gateways and one-page checkouts to abandoned cart recoveries — e-commerce integrations can take your store navigation to a whole new level.

While numerous ready-made integrations are available, it's important to note that e-commerce integrations can be tailored to your specific business needs. You can always rely on a trusted e-commerce development company to create a custom integration that perfectly aligns with your business goals.

15 Best Ecommerce Integrations by Type 

So, what are the different e-commerce integrations? You’ll be surprised to learn that there are dozens of them, all catering to specific departments and business needs. Marketing, sales, customer service, client engagement, product management — you name it. Here are the best e-commerce integrations to add value to any online store. 

1. Payment Gateways

Payment gateway integrations enable e-commerce businesses to accept various forms of payment, including credit cards, debit cards, and digital wallets. Multiple payment methods are especially important for stores selling globally, as they provide a seamless checkout experience for all customers, no matter their location or bank.

While some e-commerce platforms, like Shopify or BigCommerce, come with built-in payment processing integrations, others, like Magento or Opencart, don’t. In such cases, you need to manually integrate a chosen payment gateway into your store by installing its plugin or extension. Sometimes, you may even need to create a custom payment solution if you have specific requirements for how the payments should function within your store.

Key Functionality

  • Payment processing
  • Transaction management
  • PCI compliance

Examples: PayPal, Stripe, Square, Authorize.Net, Amazon Pay.

2. Inventory Management

Inventory management integrations provide e-commerce businesses with tools to track and manage their inventory levels. Instead of manually checking the stock replenishment, the process is fully automated, which prevents you from stockouts or overstocking. These integrations allow you to track inventory in real time, get low-stock alerts, and connect with suppliers for automated inventory refilling.

Key Functionality:

  • Real-time inventory tracking
  • Low stock alerts
  • Automated stock replenishment
  • Supplier integration
  • Multi-location inventory management

Examples: TradeGecko, Skubana, DEAR Inventory, Cin7, Brightpearl.

3. Shipping and Logistics

Ecommerce shipping integrations let you manage orders, calculate shipping costs, and generate shipping labels. These integrations are especially handy for stores selling globally. You can automate all your shipping tasks — logistics rate calculation, label printing, and tracking updates. With a reliable shipping integration, you and your clients may feel safe about successful order fulfillment and delivery. 

Key Functionality:

  • Real-time shipping rate calculation
  • Batch processing of orders
  • Printing shipping labels
  • Integration with multiple shipping carriers
  • Order tracking updates

Examples: ShipStation, Shippo, Easyship, ShipBob, Printful.

4. Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) integrations enable e-commerce businesses to manage customer interactions, track leads, and nurture customer relationships effectively. These integrations let you centralize and manage customer data — all orders, statuses, customer analytics, and more are stored in a unified database with easily viewed dashboards. As a result, you can understand customer behavior and extract patterns to drive sales and loyalty.

Key Functionality:

  • Centralized customer data management
  • Lead tracking and management
  • Sales pipeline management
  • Marketing automation
  • Customer segmentation and targeting

Examples: Salesforce, HubSpot, Zoho CRM, Pipedrive, ActiveCampaign.

5. Marketing Automation

Marketing automation integrations empower e-commerce businesses to automate repetitive marketing tasks like email campaigns and social media posting, as well as lead nurturing to streamline marketing efforts and drive revenue growth. These integrations offer features like email automation, customer segmentation, and behavior-based triggers to deliver targeted and personalized marketing messages.

Key Functionality:

  • Email automation
  • Automation workflows
  • Lead nurturing workflows
  • Customer segmentation
  • Behavior-based triggers
  • Multi-channel marketing automation
  • Content creation, management and blogging
  • Social media advertising
  • Affiliate marketing

Marketing automation integrations: HubSpot, ActiveCampaign, Marketo

6. Analytics and Reporting

Analytics and reporting integrations provide e-commerce businesses with insights into website traffic, customer behavior, and sales performance. These integrations often come as part of a marketing suite, yet there are standalone ones, too, if you need just a quick glance at your analytics, not an all-around marketing power machine. These integrations offer customizable reports, dashboards, and data visualization tools.

Key Functionality:

  • Website traffic analysis
  • Customer behavior tracking
  • Sales performance reporting
  • Conversion tracking
  • Customizable reports and dashboards

Examples: Google Analytics, Adobe Analytics, Mixpanel, Piwik (Matomo), Kissmetrics.

7. Website Builders and CMS

Website builders and content management system (CMS) integrations power you with a bunch of useful tools letting you create and manage your online storefront. Beyond mere convenient content publishing they give you more freedom with design customization. These integrations offer features such as drag-and-drop website builders, customizable templates, and SEO tools for building and optimizing ecommerce websites for any niche and complexity.

Key Functionality:

  • Drag-and-drop website builder
  • Customizable templates
  • SEO tools
  • Content management
  • Mobile responsiveness

Examples: WordPress (with WooCommerce), Shopify, BigCommerce, Wix, Magento (with Adobe Experience Manager).

8. Product Reviews and Ratings

Product reviews and rating integrations enable e-commerce businesses to collect and display customer feedback and ratings for their products. These integrations provide tools for customers to leave reviews, rate products, and share their experiences, helping build trust and credibility for the brand while assisting other shoppers in purchasing decisions.

Key Functionality:

  • Customer reviews submission
  • Product ratings display
  • Review moderation and management
  • Review aggregation and filtering
  • Integration with ecommerce platforms

Examples: Yotpo, Trustpilot, Bazaarvoice, PowerReviews, Judge.me.

9. Loyalty and Referral Programs

Loyalty and referral program integrations are common practices for e-commerce businesses to foster a returning customer base. They let you reward customers for their repeat purchases and referrals, incentivizing word-of-mouth marketing. With these integrations, you can create and manage loyalty points, rewards, and referral incentives and track your customer engagement and retention.

Key Functionality:

  • Loyalty points accumulation
  • Reward redemption
  • Referral tracking and management
  • Incentive customization
  • Integration with ecommerce platforms

Examples: Smile.io, LoyaltyLion, ReferralCandy, Annex Cloud, Yotpo Loyalty and Referrals.

10. ERP Integration

ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) integrations connect ecommerce platforms with ERP systems to synchronize business processes. EPR integrations are necessary for stores that handle large orders, manage complex inventory, or require streamlined back-office processes. ERP integration may be optional for small local stores as you don’t need to generate data across various departments. Generally, these integrations facilitate operations, improve visibility, and provide better decision-making for ecommerce businesses.

Key Functionality:

  • Synchronization of business processes and data
  • Integration with ERP systems
  • Financial management
  • Inventory management
  • Supply chain optimization

Examples: SAP Business One, Microsoft Dynamics 365, NetSuite, Oracle ERP Cloud, Epicor.

11. Accounting Software

Accounting software integrations automate the process of syncing e-commerce sales data with accounting systems. They generate financial reports and reconciliation for your e-commerce business by extracting data automatically. These integrations typically sync sales transactions, expenses, and tax information between the e-commerce platform and accounting software.

Key Functionality:

  • Syncing sales transactions
  • Integration with accounting software
  • Tracking expenses and tax information
  • Generating financial reports

Examples: QuickBooks Online, Xero, Sage Intacct, FreshBooks, Wave.

12. Product Information Management (PIM)

Product Information Management (PIM) integrations centralize product data and ensure consistency across multiple sales channels. Consider this integration if your store includes a large catalog and diverse offerings. With centralized product data management, you can improve product discoverability and set your sales process on track.

Key Functionality:

  • Centralized product data management
  • Product catalog organization
  • Enriching product information
  • Syndicating product data to sales channels
  • Product data governance

Examples: Akeneo, Pimcore, inRiver PIM, Salsify, Plytix.

13. Helpdesk and Live Chat Integrations

Customer support, live chat, and helpdesk integrations enable e-commerce businesses to provide real-time assistance to customers and resolve queries promptly. As we know, in a highly competitive e-commerce market, timely communication is a key to a customer-centric experience. Depending on the nature of your business and domain, customer support integrations can offer features like live chat widgets, ticketing systems, and knowledge bases for efficient customer support management.

Key Functionality:

  • Live chat widget
  • Ticketing system
  • Knowledge base
  • Omnichannel support
  • Reporting and analytics

Examples: Zendesk, Freshdesk, LiveChat, Intercom, Help Scout.

14. Point of Sale (POS) Integrations

POS ecommerce integrations enable businesses to synchronize their online and offline sales channels. These integrations connect ecommerce platforms with POS systems used in physical retail stores, allowing businesses to manage inventory, sales, and customer data across all channels.

Key Functionality:

  • Synchronization of online and offline sales data
  • Inventory management across channels
  • Unified customer profiles
  • Omnichannel reporting and analytics
  • Integration with ecommerce platforms

Examples: Shopify POS, Square POS, Lightspeed Retail, Vend POS, WooCommerce POS by Square.

15. Task-specific Integration

For small businesses lacking some functionality or looking to address a particular issue, task-specific integrations may be a way to go. Their benefits are generally lower prices than enterprise-level solutions and quick and easy management. Among such integration examples are:

  • Email marketing integrations: Mailchimp, Klaviyo, Constant Contact, Campaign Monitor, Sendinblue.
  • Content marketing integrations: WordPress (with blogging plugins), HubSpot, Buffer, Hootsuite, CoSchedule.
  • Social media integrations: Facebook Ads Manager, Instagram Ads, Twitter Ads, LinkedIn Ads, Pinterest Ads.
  • Affiliate marketing integrations: Refersion, ShareASale, CJ Affiliate (formerly Commission Junction), Impact (formerly Impact Radius), PartnerStack.

How To Choose Ecommerce Integration

Ecommerce integrations checklist: compatibility with existing systems, scalability, security, customizations, ease of use, synchronization, responsive customer support.

The right e-commerce integration is crucial for the success of your online business. Making the wrong choice can cause troublesome migration in the future. Here are the considerations to make when choosing an e-commerce integration.

What are your business goals?

E-commerce integration is a matter of investment. Make sure to approach it wisely and start with setting up your business goals. Then, map how integration will help you achieve them. Choosing the right e-commerce integration is not only about enhancing your store performance or adding functionality but also laying the foundation for your business growth in the long term.

How easy it is to use

Most software integrations provide a demo, so you can get a sneak peek into their usability. Choose an integration that is easy to set up and configure. Consider the interface and if your team can easily manage and utilize it without extensive training or technical expertise.

Customization options

Evaluate the customization options available with the integration to tailor it to your specific needs and workflows. Look for integrations that offer customization features, such as configurable settings, API access, and support for custom development.

Reliability and support

Choose an integration from trusted providers with a track record of years in the market, positive reviews, and prompt customer support. Consider factors such as 

  • uptime guarantees
  • service level agreements (SLAs)
  • support channels 
  • documentation, tutorials, helpdesk 
  • security standards and compliance regulations (encryption, authentication, access controls). 

Can you scale? 

E-commerce integration is a strategic decision. Make sure it can scale in terms of functionality or increased data volumes as your business expands. Otherwise, it may result in future inefficiency, additional costs, or lost sales opportunities. 

How To Implement an Ecommerce Integration

Here's a step-by-step guide on successfully implementing an e-commerce integration in your store.

Step 1. Define Integration Strategy

The e-commerce integration process should start with careful planning. The first step is to define how this integration aligns with our business strategy. Here are some questions to ask that will help you figure it out. 

  • What are our business goals and needs/issues? 
  • How can e-commerce integration help us achieve them/solve them?
  • What are the features needed in the integration solution?
  • Which factors do we need to consider before ecommerce integration?
  • What is the optimal integration approach?
  • What are the solution providers and criteria for choosing one?

Step 2. Study documentation

Once you know what you need and you've chosen after researching the solutions available, review the integration documentation carefully. At this step, you need to study the requirements of both your e-commerce platform and the integration to see if both match. Here is a quick checklist of things to pay special attention to:

  • functionality and any limitations or restrictions 
  • the compatibility of the integration with your store
  • minimum system requirements 
  • the configuration options available
  • data synchronization mechanism
  • customization options and extensions support.

If using APIs, you can access the APIs of the systems you are integrating. After reviewing the documentation, you will understand endpoints, authentication methods, request/response formats, and rate limits.

Step 3. Define Integration Approach

You choose an integration approach once you clearly understand your e-commerce integration needs and expectancies. Based on your technical and business requirements, it can be:

  • API integration: When integrating with third-party services, such as payment gateways, shipping carriers, or marketing platforms.
  • Middleware integration: Involves using middleware platforms or software when integrating legacy systems, on-premises applications, or heterogeneous environments with a technology mix.
  • Custom development: Writing custom code or scripts when off-the-shelf integration solutions are not available or when complex integration requirements demand custom code.

Step 4. Check Compatibility

You probably already know if the chosen integration is compatible with your store from the documentation. However, you need to see if any specific configurations or versions are needed. At this step, you can test your integration in a development or staging environment. This way, you can detect any compatibility issues or critical errors without affecting your live eCommerce website.

Step 5. Prepare Data and Systems

Cleanse and organize data to ensure your systems are properly configured and updated for integration.

  • Implement mechanisms for data synchronization between systems, including incremental updates, batch processing, or real-time synchronization, depending on the requirements.
  • Implement error-handling mechanisms to capture and handle errors that may occur during integration. 

Step 6. Configure Integration

Configure the integration solution according to your business requirements. All reliable integrations come with detailed configuration guides, so follow the documentation to properly set up data mappings, workflows, and automation rules.

Step 7 Deploy and Test 

Once the test runs successfully, you can deploy the integration solution into your live production environment. When done, monitor performance and address any issues that may arise during deployment.

Then, perform testing to locate and fix any issues. You may run as many scenarios as needed, e.g., test transactions, add products to the cart, or complete orders to make sure all function as expected.

  • Tip: Before integrating any new software with your store, always backup your store's data.

Step 8. Monitor and Support

Provide training and support to users involved in managing the integration solution. And make sure to monitor its performance over the time checking data flows, system interactions, and optimizing it as needed.

How NEKLO Can Help with Ecommerce Integration

NEKLO provides e-commerce integration services for a variety of platforms including Magento, Shopify and WooCommerce. We have experience working with a variety of enterprise software like SAP, and Odoo. 

NEKLO can help you with ecommerce integrations. NEKLO has 12 years in commerce software development, 300+ successful projects, 70% senior experts and 100+ software development experts.
  • End-to-end integration: We can help you integrate your eCommerce website with ERP, CRM, payment processing, accounting and other various systems. From planning to customization to following maintenance and support - we’ll make sure the integration goals are achieved and all functions smoothly.
  • Technical Expertise: Developing and maintaining integrations often requires technical expertise. We provide skilled developers, business analytics and consultants to help you choose, implement and support integrations effectively.
  • Cost efficiency. Integrating with third-party systems or developing custom integrations can incur costs, including licensing fees, development expenses, and ongoing maintenance costs. We keep your long-term costs associated with integration low through effective cooperation models, e.g dedicated team development or staff augmentation.

10 Best Ecommerce Integration Examples For Every Business

If you’ve just started to look for the right solution in the market, consider the following examples of the best e-commerce software integrations. They are favored for their reliability and powerful features by thousands of business owners, so there are good chances to nail down the one you need. 

Stripe - Payment Gateway

Stripe is a payment gateway known for its reliability, security, and developer-friendly APIs. Such e-commerce giants as Amazon, Google, and Lyft entrust it to process billions of dollars in payments annually. Stripe integration is among the most common service requests for businesses of all sizes. Founded in 2010, Stripe has quickly become one of the leading payment processors globally, with a presence in over 40 countries. 


  • Easy setup
  • Seamless checkout experience
  • Supports multiple currencies
  • Robust security features

Pricing: 2.9% + 30¢ per successful card charge.

TradeGecko - Inventory Management

TradeGecko offers comprehensive inventory management solutions tailored for e-commerce businesses. It provides real-time visibility into inventory levels and order fulfillment processes. Established in 2012, TradeGecko serves over 20,000 customers worldwide, including high-growth startups and established brands. It integrates seamlessly with leading e-commerce platforms such as Shopify, WooCommerce, and Magento.


  • Centralized inventory tracking
  • Real-time stock updates
  • Integrates with e-commerce platforms and shipping carriers
  • Multi-location support

Pricing: Plans starting at $39 per month.

ShipStation - Shipping and Logistics

ShipStation simplifies shipping and order fulfillment for e-commerce merchants, offering features such as batch processing, customizable shipping labels, and discounted shipping rates. Launched in 2011, ShipStation has processed over 500 million shipments to date and has a market share of over 50% in the US among top e-commerce merchants. It integrates with over 100 carriers and e-commerce platforms.


  • Streamlined order processing
  • Batch shipping
  • Supports multiple carriers and shipping options
  • Customizable shipping labels

Pricing: Plans start at $9 per month.

Salesforce - CRM

Salesforce is a cloud-based CRM platform trusted by businesses worldwide for managing customer relationships, sales pipelines, and marketing campaigns. Founded in 1999, Salesforce is the market leader in CRM software, with a market share of over 19%. It serves over 150,000 customers globally, including industry giants like Coca-Cola, Toyota, and T-Mobile.


  • Robust customer data management
  • Customizable sales processes
  • Automation workflows
  • Extensive integration ecosystem

Pricing: Plans starting at $25 per user per month.

HubSpot - Marketing Automation

HubSpot is an inbound marketing and sales platform that stands out with its amazing personalization features, which let you segment and target your campaigns with precise accuracy. You can create automated email flows and even entire sales campaigns, setting your marketing activities on autopilot. Founded in 2006, HubSpot has over 113,000 customers in over 120 countries.


  • All-in-one marketing solution
  • Intuitive interface
  • Powerful automation tools
  • Comprehensive analytics and reporting

Pricing: Plans starting at $45 per month.

Google Analytics - Traffic Analytics

Google Analytics is a web analytics tool that provides valuable insights into website traffic, user behavior, and conversion metrics, helping businesses optimize their online presence. Introduced in 2005, Google Analytics dominates the web analytics market, with over 84% market share. It is used by millions of websites worldwide, including Fortune 500 companies and small businesses alike.


  • Advanced tracking capabilities
  • Customizable reports
  • Integrates with Google Ads and other Google services

Pricing: Free to use.

Mailchimp - Email Marketing

Mailchimp is an all-in-one email marketing platform known for its user-friendly interface, customizable email templates, and advanced segmentation features. Founded in 2001, Mailchimp has over 16 million customers globally and sends over a billion emails daily. It has a market share of over 60% in the email marketing industry, catering to businesses of all sizes.


  • User-friendly interface
  • Drag-and-drop email builder
  • Segmentation and automation features
  • Detailed analytics

Pricing: Plans starting at $9.99 per month.

WordPress (with WooCommerce) - CMS

WordPress with WooCommerce is the most popular e-commerce platform globally, offering flexibility, scalability, and a vast ecosystem of plugins and themes. WordPress powers over 39% of all websites on the Internet, and WooCommerce powers over 28% of all online stores. Launched in 2011, WooCommerce has over 5 million active installations worldwide.


  • Highly customizable
  • Extensive plugin ecosystem
  • SEO-friendly
  • Supports various payment gateways and shipping options

Pricing: WordPress is free to use, while WooCommerce offers free and paid extensions with prices varying.

Refersion - Affiliate Marketing

Refersion is a leading affiliate marketing platform that helps businesses track and manage their affiliate programs, driving sales through partnerships and influencer marketing. Founded in 2015, Refersion serves over 3,000 merchants globally and has facilitated over $10 billion in affiliate sales. It is trusted by brands such as Adidas, H&M, and Shopify.


  • Easy setup
  • Customizable commission structures
  • Detailed reporting
  • Integrates with popular e-commerce platforms

Pricing: Refersion offers plans starting at $89 per month.

Zendesk - Helpdesk

Zendesk is a customer support and live chat platform that enables businesses to provide seamless support across multiple channels, including email, chat, social media, and phone. Founded in 2007, Zendesk serves over 200,000 customers in over 160 countries. It is known for its user-friendly interface, extensive integrations, and robust reporting capabilities, serving businesses of all sizes.


  • Omnichannel support
  • Ticketing system
  • Live chat widget
  • Knowledge base
  • Robust reporting and analytics

Pricing: Zendesk offers plans starting at $19 per user per month.

Summing up

E-commerce integrations differ in functionality, but their idea is similar - make your store more customer-friendly. The latest e-commerce stats prove their importance for efficient online business:

  • For 90% of customers, the experience with your company counts as much as the product (Salesforce reports). When it comes to online shopping, the first experience happens online. Integrating the added-value functionalities is a sure way to level up your business and service your customers better.

With e-commerce integrations, you can add more payment options to your store, allow for product customization, offer better checkout or live chat support. Integrations can also do lots of other cool things. They can help you keep track of your inventory, personalize emails to your customers, or even run ads on social media to promote your products. 

Consider NEKLO as a trusted ecommerce integration service provider. Contact us to discuss your project or get consultation.