Hyvä Themes
Development Services

Hyvä is the easiest way to make your store more attractive to customers and search engines.

The easiest way to get your Hyvä Theme set up, is with NEKLO’s Hyvä developers.

13 years

in eCommerce


YoY growth for
businesses who
choose Hyvä & NEKLO


Google Core Web Vitals
pass rate for Hyvä
websites made by NEKLO

13 years

in eCommerce


YoY growth for
businesses who
choose Hyvä & NEKLO


Google Core Web Vitals
pass rate for Hyvä
websites made by NEKLO

We Offer the Hyvä Services You Need

Hyvä Themes Development
Hyvä Themes Development
Get a fully licensed Hyvä theme for your e-commerce store. With complete customization, efficiency, and performance, our Hyvä developers can build your perfect solution in less time than you expect.
Hyvä Checkout Implementation
Hyvä Checkout Implementation
Increase conversions and reduce cart abandonment by improving your checkout. Better cart design and functionality impact checkout conversion by up to 35%. Hyvä’s powerful and customizable checkout is among the best on the market.
Hyvä Enterprise Implementation
Hyvä Enterprise Implementation
Combine the speed, efficiency, and flexibility of Hyvä with the power of AI using Hyvä Enterprise. It allows you to integrate with key storefront features of Adobe Commerce, including the B2B suite and Adobe Sensei.
Hyvä Themes UI/UX Design
Hyvä Themes UI/UX Design
An expansive library of User Interface and User Experience components means complex custom features can be assembled from prebuilt pieces, reducing time to deployment and letting your budget go further.
Hyvä Themes Migration
Hyvä Themes Migration
Unlock your existing eCommerce business’s full potential by moving to a Hyvä Magento 2 theme, and do it without downtime or data loss. Whether you’re coming from another theme or platform, we make the transition seamless.
Hyvä-Compatible Modules Development
Hyvä-Compatible Modules Development
We can transfer any extensions or functionality from your current platform to a Hyvä theme. If they’re not already Hyvä-compatible, we can adapt them or we can also build custom solutions from scratch.
Hyvä Themes Performance Optimization
Hyvä Themes Performance Optimization
Our Hyvä theme development services are the easiest way to optimize your eCommerce store. We specialize in streamlining ongoing projects, applying Hyvä best practices to help achieve success where previous efforts have fallen short.
Hyvä Maintenance & Support
Hyvä Maintenance & Support
You chose Hyvä to improve your site’s performance. Our commitment to it doesn’t end at deployment. From troubleshooting to updates, we provide the maintenance and support to keep it performing at its peak.
Hyvä Training and Consultation
Hyvä Training and Consultation
When your expertise impacts your success, we can bring a high level of Hyvä education to your team. We’re not just experts in the Hyvä products ecosystem, we’re experts in helping others understand it as well.
Hyvä Themes Development
Get a fully licensed Hyvä theme for your e-commerce store. With complete customization, efficiency, and performance, our Hyvä developers can build your perfect solution in less time than you expect.
Hyvä Checkout Implementation
Increase conversions and reduce cart abandonment by improving your checkout. Better cart design and functionality impact checkout conversion by up to 35%. Hyvä’s powerful and customizable checkout is among the best on the market.
Hyvä Enterprise Implementation
Combine the speed, efficiency, and flexibility of Hyvä with the power of AI using Hyvä Enterprise. It allows you to integrate with key storefront features of Adobe Commerce, including the B2B suite and Adobe Sensei.
Hyvä Themes UI/UX Design
An expansive library of User Interface and User Experience components means complex custom features can be assembled from prebuilt pieces, reducing time to deployment and letting your budget go further.
Hyvä Themes Migration
Unlock your existing eCommerce business’s full potential by moving to a Hyvä Magento 2 theme, and do it without downtime or data loss. Whether you’re coming from another theme or platform, we make the transition seamless.
Hyvä-Compatible Modules Development
We can transfer any extensions or functionality from your current platform to a Hyvä theme. If they’re not already Hyvä-compatible, we can adapt them or we can also build custom solutions from scratch.
Hyvä Themes Performance Optimization
Our Hyvä theme development services are the easiest way to optimize your eCommerce store. We specialize in streamlining ongoing projects, applying Hyvä best practices to help achieve success where previous efforts have fallen short.
Hyvä Maintenance & Support
You chose Hyvä to improve your site’s performance. Our commitment to it doesn’t end at deployment. From troubleshooting to updates, we provide the maintenance and support to keep it performing at its peak.
Hyvä Training and Consultation
When your expertise impacts your success, we can bring a high level of Hyvä education to your team. We’re not just experts in the Hyvä products ecosystem, we’re experts in helping others understand it as well.

What is Hyvä?

Hyvä is the ultimate front-end for Magento/Adobe Commerce websites. And it’s the solution that everyone  in your company benefits from.

The Hyvä theme, its toolkit, and extension ecosystem are simple yet powerful, easy to use yet fully customizable. And with NEKLO, it’s the most efficient and future-proof way to upgrade your online business. Hyvä is built for the future of eCommerce.


Your customers will love Hyvä because it delivers a captivating visual experience that keeps them engaged, all while maintaining exceptional speed and user experience. Your website will load lightning fast, keeping customers engaged and coming back for more.

Marketing Team

Your Marketing team will benefit from the Hyvä toolkit and extension library that give them tools to increase conversions and improve customer insight. All while having a fully custom design that differentiates you from competitors and allows you to match your store UX/UI to brand spirit.

SEO Team

Your SEO team wants the speed and performance of a Hyvä theme. With NEKLO, perfect Google PageSpeed and Core Web Vitals scores are possible.

Finance Team

Your Finance team will appreciate Hyvä because it saves businesses 30-50% on build time, which reduces costs and brings you to market sooner.

What’s so great about Hyvä?

Removing Barriers to Business Growth

Moving your store to a Magento 2 Hyvä theme advances all your other growth efforts. Improved SEO leads to more visits. Improved conversion leads to more revenue. And reduced cost of ownership improves profitability.

Shorter Time to Market

Shorter Time A simplified tech stack built for e-commerce reduces development time by 30-50%. Less time spent optimizing for performance, conversions, and SEO means your store is live sooner so you can start generating revenue.o Market

Better Website Speed & Performance

The entire Hyvä Theme codebase was developed with a performance-first approach using the most modern technologies. Google PageSpeed and Core Web Vitals are critical to user experience and search engine rankings. With NEKLO, perfect scores are easily achievable.

Improved User Experience

Hyvä performance, design, and usability reduce bounce rates and increase conversions because customers leave when loading takes more than 1s. Mobile shopping continues growing and Hyvä’s mobile-first design means UX is optimized for any screen.

More Traffic with Improved SEO

The clean, modern codebase was built with SEO as a priority from the very beginning. It aligns with web standards and delivers everything search engines are looking for to move you up the results page and improve rankings, bringing more prospective customers to your store.

Simplified Scalability

The efficiency of Hyvä themes and its compatibility with other optimization tools makes cloud hosting easy and cost-effective. Plus resource efficiency means you can process more transactions without sacrificing speed.

Enhanced Store Customizability

Whether you’re adding custom features for a unique user experience or ensuring every aspect of the website reflects your brand identity, our Hyvä themes developers can create or modify anything you can imagine.

What Kind of Businesses Benefit Most From Hyvä?

Magento-Based Stores
Online Stores on Other Platforms
Businesses New to eCommerce
You don’t need to be sold a Hyvä solution if it’s not right for you.

Speaking with an eCommerce expert is important in deciding what’s best for your business. Our expertise in multiple eCommerce solutions means we can help you understand how Hyvä compares to all your options.
Anastasiya Kulesh
Project Manager

What Kind of Businesses Benefit Most From Hyvä?

Hyvä early adopters & contributors

Hyvä was launched in 2021, when we’d already been professionals in the Magento ecosystem for a decade. We were one of the first to migrate a client to Hyvä shortly after its release. We have direct communication with the Hyvä team. Moreover, we’ve been active community members, helping improve the product since day one.

We know the entire Hyvä ecosystem

We build visually appealing websites on the Hyvä theme. But what’s more important is that we have expertise in business and conversion tools like Hyvä Checkout, Hyvä UI, and the newest Hyvä Enterprise while getting rid of jQuery on our client's projects and taking the best from Alpine.js and Tailwind. We understand how to use them to hit the metrics you’re aiming for.

Our clients get great results

When Hyvä and NEKLO are combined, clients average 30% growth YoY thanks to improved SEO potential, and increased conversion rate. In fact, they’re so pleased with the results of our Hyvä themes development, they bring us their next projects as well.

13+ years of Magento expertise

Hyvä is the best front-end solution for Magento, but there’s more to a successful eCommerce site than the front end. Our team of Magento developers has the experience needed to avoid or resolve the most complex problems.

One-stop tech partner

Streamline your Magento Hyvä launch with NEKLO. We house every specialist you need under one roof – senior backend & frontend developers, DevOps, QAs, designers, project managers, and business analysts.

We’re Hyvä extension developers

Our professional Hyvä developers can adapt any existing extension quickly and easily or build a solution from scratch. We also have a Magento & Hyvä extensions store packed with ready-to-install modules that can streamline your store's functionality right now. And we’ve built it on Hyvä!

Our clients keep coming back

The stat we’re most proud of at NEKLO is that 85% of our work comes from repeat customers. Our work gets the results you want, and our process makes planning, development, and deployment hassle-free.

We always keep you informed

We’re proactive with transparent progress reports and regular updates, so you always know the status of your project. Throughout the process we'll identify and share tech and business opportunities to optimize your project. And we’re responsive when you have any questions.

Zero-obligation expert advice & project estimate

We know that research and planning are crucial to a successful project as well as creating a relationship built on trust. So we offer our expert consults, strategy, project roadmaps and cost estimates for free, and with no obligation.

Our Hyvä Projects

We’ve been helping eCommerce businesses improve their stores and grow their revenue with Hyvä themes since it was launched. Take a look at a few of our favorite projects, and how they’ve helped our clients.

My1stYears – Hyvä Theme Optimization & Hyvä Checkout Implementation

Magento store owner came to NEKLO for a rescue of a malfunctioning multistore. We fixed existing issues, integrated Odoo, and implemented custom solutions for taxes & shipping. We've also worked on Hyvä Theme optimization and Hyvä Checkout. Now, their multistore runs smoothly and grows day by day thanks to the Hyvä theme and our support.
Magento (Adobe Commerce), Hyvä Theme, Alpine.js, Tailwind, PHP, MySQL, React, AWS
1+ Year
5 developers, 1 DevOps, 1 QA Engineer, 1 Project Manager

JustBeeKids – Custom Magento Development & Hyvä Theme Setup

We're building a custom Magento 2 website with a Hyvä theme for JustBeeKids, focusing on improved performance and a modern, responsive design. This approach will not only strengthen their brand identity but also allow for easy future customization.
Magento (Adobe Commerce), Hyvä Theme, Alpine.js, Tailwind, PHP, MySQL, Redis, Varnish, RabbitMQ, Adobe Live Search
1+ Year
5 developers, 1 DevOps, 1 QA Engineer, 1 Project Manager

Seating Masters – Hyvä Theme Setup

Seating Masters' Magento multistore suffered from slow development due to inconsistent code and a complex configurator. NEKLO team stepped in and fixed these issues, implemented the Hyvä theme for a seamless UX, and delivered a unified code pool. See what other features we’ve implemented while reducing development time X3.
Hyvä Theme, Alpine.js, Tailwind, VUE, Vanilla JS
2 Year
1 Backend developer, 1 Frontend developer, 1 QA

How We Work

1. Project Discovery

We take the time to understand your needs, goals, expectations, and barriers to success. We perform an in-depth review of your current website and come up with a prioritized plan for improvements. We’ll share our expertise and develop a strategy to ensure a seamless transition to your new solution without losing data or traffic. At the end of discovery, we’ll both clearly understand the metrics for success.

2. Coordination

Here, we define team structure and allocate resources. We also outline and set up communication channels and progress-tracking tools so you have a transparent view of your project at all times. Planning is the key to efficient development and building long-term relationships with our clients.

3. Onboarding

Once everyone agrees on the plan, we gather the tools, environments, data, and 3rd party integrations we need to keep development running smoothly. Our testing environments let you see your project in action and allow us to identify any potential issues early in the process so solutions are built securely and efficiently from day one.

4. Development

Being a professional Hyvä themes developer requires more than development skills. Seamless deployments with minimal downtime, backups, data security, conversion, and SEO are taken into account from the first line of code, along with the visual design and user experience. Transparent progress reporting and regular communications ensure you always know the status of your project.

5. Training & Documentation

Our projects aren’t complete until our clients are comfortable using them. We provide training and ongoing support so your team gets the maximum benefit of our work. And our documentation of the entire process makes it easy to adapt the project to your changing needs over time.

1. Project Discovery

We take the time to understand your needs, goals, expectations, and barriers to success. We perform an in-depth review of your current website and come up with a prioritized plan for improvements. We’ll share our expertise and develop a strategy to ensure a seamless transition to your new solution without losing data or traffic. At the end of discovery, we’ll both clearly understand the metrics for success.

2. Coordination

Here, we define team structure and allocate resources. We also outline and set up communication channels and progress-tracking tools so you have a transparent view of your project at all times. Planning is the key to efficient development and building long-term relationships with our clients.

3. Onboarding

Once everyone agrees on the plan, we gather the tools, environments, data, and 3rd party integrations we need to keep development running smoothly. Our testing environments let you see your project in action and allow us to identify any potential issues early in the process so solutions are built securely and efficiently from day one.

4. Development

Being a professional Hyvä themes developer requires more than development skills. Seamless deployments with minimal downtime, backups, data security, conversion, and SEO are taken into account from the first line of code, along with the visual design and user experience. Transparent progress reporting and regular communications ensure you always know the status of your project.

5. Training & Documentation

Our projects aren’t complete until our clients are comfortable using them. We provide training and ongoing support so your team gets the maximum benefit of our work. And our documentation of the entire process makes it easy to adapt the project to your changing needs over time.

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Our team has been working with Hyvä since the beginning. Take a look at our blog to learn more about the latest developments in the world of Hyvä and eCommerce.

15 Hyvä Theme Examples: How Websites Use Hyvä Theme

Look at our overview's 15 exciting Hyvä theme examples. Learn about the benefits of the Hyvä theme in terms of facts and numbers. Find out how Hyva improves customer experience and increases revenue.
Hyvä Themes

How Hyvä Theme Improved Store Performance By 75% [Showcase]

Learn how the Hyvä Theme drove growth for our client with improved store performance, enhanced user experience, and better SEO.
Hyvä Themes

Unveiling Benefits of Hyvä Theme in Magento 2

Learn how the Hyvä theme can benefit your store delivering optimized performance, faster development, customizable features, responsive design and hassle-free support.
Hyvä Themes

What Is Hyvä: User Guide To The Magento 2 Game Changer

An overview of the Hyvä Magento 2 theme with a user guide to its installation, outline of the significant benefits, and NEKLO experience of working with this theme.
Hyvä Themes


How will the Hyvä theme benefit my business?

Hyvä Themes can dramatically improve your website's Core Web Vitals and speed, leading to enhanced SEO, higher search rankings, increased traffic, and ultimately, more sales for your business.

Will Hyvä theme work for any type of business?

While Hyvä is a versatile choice for most businesses, it’s crucial that we assess your specific needs and goals to ensure it's the most resource- and time-efficient solution for your business. We have been helping eCommerce businesses with their digital presence for over 13 years now, so we can define what particular solution would be most beneficial for you. Contact us for a free consultation to ask all the questions you have. We’ll be happy to help!

What makes Hyvä better than Magento’s default theme, PWAs, or other options?

Hyvä’s superior speed, simplicity in development, and high performance make it a more efficient choice for most eCommerce businesses. If web efficiency, search engine rankings, and user experience are priorities, Hyvä is hard to beat. Besides, Hyvä is a much more cost-effective solution than PWA.

How long does it take to build a Hyvä site?

The time it takes to migrate or build a new website on Hyvä depends on the specific project requirements, such as the web store’s current state, size, and the number of extensions and integrations required. In general, Magento Hyvä theme development takes less time than other eCommerce solutions. Feel free to reach out for a non-binding estimate for your particular business.

What are the costs involved in using Hyvä?

The costs of a site built on Hyvä include a one-time Hyvä license fee of €1,000. Other costs are based on your specific site's needs. A non-binding quote from NEKLO will include an estimate of each cost.

Can I migrate my existing Magento website to Hyvä Themes?

Yes, it’s simple to migrate your existing Magento website to a Hyvä theme to modernize and enhance your online presence with advanced features and performance improvements. It’s possible to migrate your web store to Hyvä if you’re using other CMSs too.

Will all the extensions I use work on a Hyvä theme?

Not all extensions are directly compatible with Hyvä, but Hyvä team is actively working on it, and so do we. With our extensive Magento experience and custom development capabilities, we can easily adapt your current extensions to work on your new Hyvä site.
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