May 21, 2024

Key Features for Crafting a Perfect Magento 2 Checkout Experience


Magento (Adobe Commerce)

5 Solid Ways to Improve Magento Checkout Process


Magento (Adobe Commerce)

5 Solid Ways to Improve Magento Checkout Process

It’s no secret that checkout is probably the most important page of any online store. The efficiency and usability of the checkout page affect the conversion and your income.In this article, we’ll talk about the best usability practices, and why you don’t need One Step Checkout for your Magento 2 store.Magento 1 CheckoutThose of you who have seen the first version of the Magento platform surely remember that the checkout on Magento 1.x consists of 6 steps:

  1. Login/registration
  2. Billing address
  3. Shipping address
  4. Payment method
  5. Shipping method
  6. Order confirmation step

Many studies say that checkout complexity decreases conversion. Many users leave the payment page because it seems complicated. But the throne is never vacant, and many One Step Checkout modules appeared on the extensions market. These extensions accommodate all 6 checkout steps on one screen.

The main drawback of all One Step Checkout extensions is the page complexity as there are so many items: login fields, plenty of address fields, a bunch of payment and delivery methods, and a list of products with images in the bargain. But this is not all: almost all vendors have added coupon field, points, and gift wrap to their checkout pages. Some even show related products at checkout! All this turned the page into a terrible mess.

Magento 2 Checkout Features

Some people from the Magento community think that the Magento company has no usability experts. However, checkout is not the case. Developers of the Magento 2 understood perfectly well that success is impossible without using the best usability practices. While many of us expected Magento to implement the One Step Checkout extension into Magento 2 package, the designers rethought the idea of ​​best usability practices on checkout and made a revolution that few people noticed. Magento 2 Checkout has only two steps:

  1. Delivery details
  2. Review and payment

The other improvements on Magento 2 checkout (in comparison with Magento 1.x checkout):

  1. Guest checkout is now a default setting;
  2. Dynamic calculation of the delivery cost;
  3. The order summary is always visible on the checkout;
  4. Some new popular payment and shipping methods integrated into the platform;
  5. Now you can apply a coupon at checkout.

All these improvements to a large extent eliminate the need for any One Step Checkout extensions. Let’s be honest, native Magento 2 checkout looks great. We think that it would be much better to invest in modules that add useful functionality and improve the usability of native Magento 2 checkout.

How to Improve Magento 2 Checkout

One of the biggest problems of any checkout is that users have to enter a lot of data. People are lazy and impatient. Let’s help them!

Google Address Autocomplete

Thanks to the Google Address Autocomplete feature, your users will save time and make less effort to enter their address information — now they can use Google’s address suggestions as they type. The checkout process will be fast and easy, so users are more likely to return to your site. In addition, Google Address Autocomplete greatly reduces the number of typos and incorrectly filled data.

Social Login

The ability to login with social networks significantly speeds up the process of checkout. Users do not need to come up with a new password for your site, they only need to make a few clicks to create an account or log in.

Subscribe to Newsletter on Checkout

An E-mail was invented many years ago, but it’s still a must. For this reason, do not forget to ask your users if they want to receive any marketing materials from you. This becomes crucial in light of GDRP, which requires the consent of users to use their data. A rare client will look for a checkbox in his profile to receive emails from you. And even fewer people will be happy to see a popup for newsletter subscription — everybody hates popups.

Most users register on checkout, however, Magento 2 checkout does not allow subscribing to the newsletter. Use the Newsletter Checkout extension to create a big and legal database of email subscribers in a natural way.

Delivery Date

Do you deliver products by courier to the client’s door? Then do not forget to add Delivery Date to Magento 2 checkout, so users could enter the date and time in which it is convenient for them to receive the order. Adding a comment to orders will be also helpful.

Phone Mask

Using a mask for the phone number field helps users to enter their phone number easier. It also reduces the number of typos in phone number fields.


Magento usability specialists made their homework. Unlike Magento 1.x checkout, the new Magento 2 checkout is a big step forward. The checkout page became more convenient and stylish, and the number of steps was reduced from 6 to 2. As a result, there is no need to use any One Step Checkout modules. Instead, you can invest in the extensions that enhance native Magento 2 checkout.