Some description before the form. Some description before the form. Some description before the form.
Create native app for iPhone or Ipad done with ObjectiveC or Swift
Create rich web app using Angular, React or similar frameworks
Create iOS and Android app using hybrid approach
I need beautiful design for my app
I don’t care about the designs or have my own
Static lists, simple forms
Dynamic lists, animated transitions
Unique requirements, highly polished UX
Email or social signup, login, etc.
Dashboard, User feed, ratings and reviews, etc.
Audio, Video, Photo, Text files uploading and processing, data search
Calendar, Booking, Event listings, Menu, Task lists, Charts, Diagrams, etc.
Maps, Navogation, Geofencing, 3rd party location data, etc.
Chat, Forums, Comments, Sharing, Pushes, Notifications, SMS, E-mails, etc.
Storing of different files, real time synchronization, integration to 3rd party API’s and data
InApp purchases, Subscriptions, Adertisement platforms integration and other monetization sources
Content managment, User management, Usage analytics, Crash reporting, Localization, etc.
SSL certificates, Two step authentification, Encryption, etc.
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