August 20, 2024

How Hyvä Theme Improved Store Performance By 75% [Showcase]

Alena Arsionava

Technology Evangelist

Hyvä Themes

How Hyvä Theme Improved Store Performance By 75% [Showcase]

Alena Arsionava

Technology Evangelist

Hyvä Themes

How Hyvä Theme Improved Store Performance By 75% [Showcase]

In the fiercely competitive world of e-commerce, your robust online store performance is key to success. With the Hyvä release, many debates have been about its unparalleled efficiency in helping store owners achieve faster load speeds and a sleeker user experience. While Hyvä benefits for businesses and developers are undisputable, more than just a single Hyva setup is needed. A crucial aspect of making it truly work for your store lies in its proper optimization. 

In this case study, we showcase how NEKLO’s Hyvä development services have transformed an e-commerce store. It resulted in a remarkable 75% performance improvement on average for one of our clients.

Background: Magento 2 Site With Hyvä Theme

The client, My 1st Years, a fast-growing luxury kidswear brand based in the UK, was facing challenges with its existing Magento store. It’s a high-load multistore offering varied product choices, extensive customization options, and global shipping. So, a seamless shopping experience especially in peak season is pivotal.

While the website already had the Hyvä Theme installed, it still loaded slowly and wasn’t properly optimized for mobile. On top of that, the order placement and checkout functionality required improvement and fixing. 

Thinking Strategically: Hyvä Theme Implementation 

The client decided to migrate to Hyvä shortly after its release, aiming to take advantage of its benefits. The setup itself turned out to be a feasible task; however, the store performance metrics were still far from satisfactory.

Throughout its history, the store has accumulated a range of modules, extensions, and a significant part of jQuery code left by previous teams who inconsistently contributed to the project. While the Hyvä Theme provided a solid foundation for the client, there was still much work to be done for Hyva to impact the store's performance. 

Seeking a solution to these issues, the client turned to us.

Challenges Faced

  • Slow loading times impacted the user experience and search engine rankings.
  • The installed Hyva theme required optimization and debugging.
  • Issues with payments and checkout resulting in order placement failures.
  • New functionality development to align with business goals.
  • Feature customization requirements to improve the user experience.

Hyvä Optimization Process

Our approach to Hyvä theme optimization comprised several key steps:

Site audit

We conducted an in-depth Magento site audit, which included architecture, codebase, design, functionality, and performance metrics review. Having identified the bottlenecks, we worked out a plan and defined areas for improvement. One of the strategic decisions the client eventually made was moving to a different hosting provider, as the previous one caused numerous deployment and project problems. 

Hyvä optimization

Leveraging Hyvä's best practices, we implemented image compression, lazy loading, code optimization, and server-side caching. We customized the Hyvä Theme to address the client's specific design and functionality requirements while ensuring optimal performance.

Checkout optimization

The client faced significant challenges with payment functionality. When customers input symbols in their names during order placement, Stripe, unlike Magento, didn't validate this field. Consequently, Magento failed to process orders with unvalidated names.

Recognizing this issue, we integrated custom functionality during the installation of Hyvä Checkout, resolving the problem and ensuring a smooth checkout process.

Module compatibility and customization

Some modules initially installed on the projects were not compatible with Hyvä. We adapted them, making sure they worked flawlessly within the Hyvä Theme. Our team kept in touch with the Hyvä developers and reported bugs, which were fixed in the next Hyvä Theme release.

Solving multiple JQuery dependencies

The website was burdened with a substantial amount of jQuery code left behind by the previous team, resulting in slowed performance. Addressing this issue, we systematically optimized the outdated jQuery modules to facilitate easier and quicker code cleanup for the client in the future.

We also fine-tuned the website's responsiveness across various devices and screen sizes to deliver a seamless user experience.

Results Achieved

The homepage, Checkout, and SEO metrics before/after Hyva performance optimization comparison show considerable improvement.

My1stYears is visited by thousands of people monthly, operating stably and smoothly. The implementation of the Hyvä Theme yielded impressive 75% performance improvement results. The store witnessed a significant boost in metrics, including:

  • The Home Page improved from 51 to 92.
  • The Checkout Page improved from 53 to 90.
  • The speed index increased from 4s to 1.7s. 

Business Grows Results

The improved performance metrics positively impacted search engine rankings, increasing visibility and traffic.

Hyva theme project traffic increase
  • SEO parameters increased from an average 84 to a perfect 99.
  • This naturally resulted in a doubled traffic increase, which drove more leads and customers.

Sounds Like Your Case?

Hyvä Theme is a compelling solution, definitely worthy of consideration. If you’ve already set it up in your store or are considering doing so, prepare yourself both in terms of expectations and technical to-do’s that go after it. The impact of the Hyvä Theme on store performance can be staggering, but only if you can set it up properly and embed it into your long-term eCommerce strategy. It should include fine-tuning, customization, and ongoing dedicated support.

Why choose NEKLO for Hyva theme development? NEKLO provides Hyva installation and setup, customization and optimization, audit, support, and maintenance services. NEKLO has seasoned professionals and experience working with Magento and Hyva since its release.

Enhancing user experience, optimizing performance, and driving business growth are all results of combined efforts. The Hyvä on this path comes just as a tool for your store, not a magic pill. If you know how to use it, you can truly elevate your online presence and drive results. If you don’t, just reach out, and we’ll get you covered.

We have top-notch Hyvä developers ready to bring their expertise to your projects.