September 24, 2024

NEKLO DIGEST #4: Level of Quality and Security in Custom Software Development Services

Nadya Bakhur

Researcher, Technical Writer

Magento (Adobe Commerce)

Custom Software Development: quality and security issues explained

Nadya Bakhur

Researcher, Technical Writer

Magento (Adobe Commerce)

Custom Software Development: quality and security issues explained

Have a read of the 4th NEKLO digest for which we’ve collected 10 NEKLO blog articles that talk about significant aspects of customised software such as quality assurance, security, and system protection improvement. The articles below are all united by these 3 topics.

We suggest you study this expert material prepared by our web solutions company and enrich your knowledge base with ways to improve protection within the framework of web development and Magento security services.

Without further ado, we start.

Introduction: Why Security Measures Are Vital for Software Development?

Writing about the importance of security for software development is similar to explaining the multiplication table to adults. Indeed, a lot has already been written about security measures over the past few years. However, from our experience, we still can identify many myths and misconceptions in this area.

Information security and secure software are vitally important for any business. Business activities and operations today depend on the level of technological advancement and implemented security measures. Common issues such as software hacks, data leaks, and inoperability of key systems lead to financial losses and reputational costs.

The experts from our custom web application development company are glad to share their professional experience regarding the importance of quality assurance and testing. The digest #4 will guide you through the nuances to help reduce the risks during software development, testing, and system administration.

Find out why GoodFirms acknowledged NEKLO as one of the leading web development service providers in California in our article.

Short and Useful Articles on Custom Software Solutions Security

Security is vital for businesses willing to launch their activities on the Internet. No need to research and compare what’s better iOS vs Android, Mac vs Windows, and even hardware models like HP ZBook vs EliteBook.

As a company that specializes in custom web application development services and custom Magento extension development, NEKLO also provides support and maintenance services to Magento-based web stores.

Below are 10 useful articles about the important aspects of software security.

1. How to Protect an Online Store: 7 Ways to Secure eCommerce

Time to read: 6 min 30 sec.

Summary: What are the general threats for an online business? Normally, they are:

  • poorly coded apps;
  • external malware;
  • lack of prompt backups;
  • weak passwords.

All of them can do serious harm. Which is why online security is a matter to pay special attention to. This applies to anyone involved in online activities and primarily to ecommerce businesses.

In this article, we examine the basic cyber threats not only to simply make sure you are aware of them but also to help you tackle them effectively.

Additionally, we have included the tactics to follow to secure an online business.

Follow the link:

2. Quality Assurance Pitfalls in Magento: NEKLO Experience

Time to read: 4 min 20 sec.

Summary: System testing in Magento is a topic that is not getting widely covered by the Magento сommunity. And as a Magento store development company, we do have a lot to say about quality assurance.

To get a full picture of testing in ecommerce and Magento, we turned to our quality assurance specialist Ann who knows the subject inside out. Ann is a QA Lead here at NEKLO with the experience of more than 4 years in software testing. She spoke about her work, challenges, and specifics of testing Magento-based products.

Check the article out:

3. Two Factor Authentication: a Step to Greater eCommerce Security

Time to read: 3 min.

Summary: Security measures in the ecommerce are getting more exquisite each day. So do malicious schemes, unfortunately. We protect our accounts and data with passwords. However, passwords are just a bunch of symbols that one can forget or lose. In the worst cases, somebody will try to take advantage of it.

This article provides you with a clear understanding of what Two Factor Authentication (2FA) is, how does it work, and why you need to introduce it ASAP in your online business.

To learn about 2FA, click here:

4. Moving to HTTPS and Why It’s Important

Time to read: 3 min 30 sec.

Summary: You can stuff your online store with hundreds of features to make it profitable and convenient for users who buy using your platform. However, in case you abandon these three aspects such as:

  1. Security;
  2. Privacy;
  3. Speed.

your website will anyway become unreliable and inefficient.

In this article, we talk about the feature that makes sure that all the three issues above are resolved successfully. This feature is Secure HyperText Transfer Protocol or HTTPS for short.

Additionally, we take a closer look at the challenges that may arise when moving to HTTPS and suggest how to overcome them.

Find the article here:

5. DDoS Attacks: How to Prevent the Least and Handle the Worst

Time to read: 4 min 30 sec.

Summary: Do you have an idea of how much an hour of downtime on your website may cost your business? Depending on the size of your company, the figures can go up to $40,000 per hour of offline state. That is what statistics say.

The larger number of devices that can be used to access a website, the more vulnerable the system becomes. That is one of the reasons why scaling your business to new sales channels might bring security challenges that you might not be ready for.

In this article, you will get information about the ‘distributed denial of service’ that is also called DDOS attacks for short. What are those? How do they work to create danger? And what you can do to stay invincible?

Learn how to stay protected against DDOS:

6. Why Security Is a Priority for Web Stores

Time to read: 2 min.

Summary: When selling online, security is the key topic (together with product marketing) you should be well-educated about. According to statistics, Magento security breach rate is growing each year and now stands at about 3,000 broken stores a year, no matter the store’s revenues.

At NEKLO, we are regularly addressing the issue of Magento security as we are specializing in this platform. In this article, we’ve collected the security issues that Magento-based store owners tend to leave without attention and suggested a well-tailored solution.

Get the key to Magento security issues here:

7. Magento Security Suite: Make Security a Priority

Time to read: 1 min.

Summary: As a bespoke software development company and Magento Solution Partner, NEKLO has been dealing with Magento security improvement for more than a decade. Over this time we’ve created more than 50 Magento extensions. In the collection, there’s a custom Magento 2 plugin to protect your web store.

In this short article, we overview Magento Security Suite, which is one of our Magento 2 extensions that protects your Magento store and its customers from such common threats as:

  • Hacker attacks;
  • Unauthorized admin users;
  • Malware.

Follow the link to our Magento extension store to learn more about Magento Security Suite:

8. You Are Responsible for Those Who Buy from You: 8 Tips for Store Security

Time to read: 5 min.

Summary: Today it’s no problem for customers to pay online giving access to their card numbers and PayPal account details to stores and online merchants. Small or big, commonly online businesses require customers’ personal information in order to perform this or that operation. There are two parties involved in the deal, but the merchant is the one that is expected to be responsible for the security measures.

What happens if precautions are neglected and your store is left unprotected? Our article will guide you through the worst cases of security breaches in ecommerce and suggest 8 effective ways to protect your online business.

Read it here:

9. How to Improve Password Security

Time to read: 5 min.

Summary: Oftentimes, users don’t bother with password security, believing that “user123” is strong enough. The point is that if anything security-related happens, such users are most likely to blame the store owner.

How to protect your customers when they are careless?

Our article provides 11 powerful tips to help you as a business owner to provide your customers with a safer way to shop online through improving user password security.

Learn them all here:

10. Magento Website Security: Protect Your Web Store from Hacking

Time to read: 3 min.

Summary: Even a small hacker intervention into the website can lead to huge losses for your business. If you notice an intervention at its initial stage, you will still have to cover the expenses for vulnerability elimination.

However, if the interference is a serious one, it can lead to massive problems and huge costs for your business. In the worst scenario, your business might end being closed.

Our article overviews the most common cases of website hacking. Moreover, we’ve collected the measures that any online merchant can implement even today to protect their web stores.

Check it out here:

Closing Remarks

Unfortunately, no web project is immune to malware. Even if your website seems to be of no interest to professional hackers, it doesn’t reduce the risks. We believe every web and ecommerce project needs professional security and maintenance services to get protected.

Hope our articles will help you recognize the security issues you might have and timely get rid of them.

As a custom web application development company, NEKLO is always ready to assist you with Magento support and consulting. In case you have questions for our Magento experts, contact us through the form on our website or directly.

Together we will make your software solution secure and safe for your customers.