May 21, 2024

Reflections from Meet Magento Czech Republic 2016


Magento (Adobe Commerce)

Max Mironenko: Thoughts on Meet Magento CZ 2016


Magento (Adobe Commerce)

Max Mironenko: Thoughts on Meet Magento CZ 2016

A few words about Max.

Having an academic background in IT and a Master’s degree in Information Security Assurance, as well as in Programming, Max has been working in the industry for more than 15 years now. Having 5+ years of experience in project management, he is responsible for handling large projects, supervising NEKLO offices, team building, motivating, and building strong relationships with business partners.

Much of his time he spends traveling and so far he has visited almost all Europe. Still, the major part of his travels is business trips. Also, he likes reading a lot and he often does this when such an opportunity comes to him.

His motto is ‘The best journey starts with a single step’, meaning that you should always move forward and not be afraid of trying things you’ve never done before, according to him.


NEKLO is a product engineering company focused on software and high-loaded web-projects development, applications and mobile platforms development, as well as on integrated e-Commerce solutions.Founded in San Bruno, CA, in 2009, today we have grown into an international company with offices in the United States, Poland, the Czech Republic, Ukraine, Russia, and Belarus providing its top-notch services to customers from North America, Europe, and the CIS.

We evolve constantly and continuously expand our horizons, opening up new directions such as iBeacon and Magento 2. Paying much attention to Magento development, we create state-of-the-art custom solutions both for Magento 1 and Magento 2, also in a cloud, tailored to meet the specific needs a particular business has. In addition to it, we offer integrated Magento maintenance services, including Magento speed up and Magento 2 migration.

Mission of NEKLO

At NEKLO we use the latest technologies to create powerful yet smart applications to help our clients grow and prosper. We believe in what we do and strive to provide our customers with quality solutions that work for their business.

2016’s Challenges

We have big ambitious plans for 2016 regarding Magento. Thus, we plan to publish several more of our great products and extensions for both Magento 1 and Magento 2 versions. Also, currently, we’re in the middle of investigating Magento 2. And of course, the biggest challenge for us this year is the first Meet Magento CZ that will take place in Prague on March 31. We already have some experience in arranging conferences and this time we’ll make it up to scratch.

Neklo Means Passion

When it comes to our projects there is not a particular one among them that I feel most proud of. And the reason for this is that we here in NEKLO have a true passion for what we do and equally love and are proud of each and every one of our projects as we put our heart and soul into them, striving to make them as good as possible to provide our clients with the perfect solutions for their business.

Back To The Future, Please!

Over the years of working in Magento custom development, we have accumulated vast experience and a number of ideas that later on turned into our amazing extensions. This year, as I already told you, we’re going to publish several more of them, for Magento 2 also. Our next step is to continue developing, maintenance, and support for Magento 1 and to further shift to developing for Magento 2, making it our priority area regarding Magento.

Meet Magento Czech Republic ’16: Expectations

Meet Magento CZ 2016, that we’re organizing, will be the first time ever Meet Magento comes to Prague and the first conference devoted to Magento that will take place in the Czech Republic. The arrangement takes us a lot of time and effort and though there has already been a lot of work done there is still a lot more coming ahead. So, we’re doing our best now to settle everything up to let the participants enjoy every moment of their being at Meet Magento CZ.

Our main expectation from the forthcoming conference is to communicate the philosophy of the Meet Magento Association to all of those taking part in the event. And the main idea we strive to transmit here is how fruitful the collaboration of developers, merchants, and those with a genuine interest in IT and eCommerce can be and what great new possibilities open up for them if united by the platform. I strongly believe that Meet Magento CZ 2016 will be of great use to the Czech business and the Czech developers as it is a unique opportunity for them to network, get insights and find new partners. So, we heartily invite everyone to join us on March 31 in Prague and explore the world of Magento together.

What Made MMCZ’16 Click?

Well, our company is an active member of the Meet Magento community, and our guys and me, myself, try to take part in the Meet Magento events each time such an opportunity comes up. So, in summer 2015, having already visited a number of Meet Magento conferences, we at Neklo came to a decision to organize a conference of our own in Prague, where one of our offices is located. The main point to do so was that we knew there were no events of this kind in the Czech Republic while the demand towards it was great as eCommerce there began to gain popularity rapidly. And the rest of the story you already know.

Magento and Other Communities

Each community bears fruit provided there are people committed to sharing their ideas and experience. What makes the Magento community so different and what I am particularly grateful for to the Meet Magento Association is that the events organized by them are not aimed at developers or business solely but bring them together, giving rise to new partnerships and helping developers across the globe grow professionally. And one more thing I like about Meet Magento is that the topics touched upon at the conferences are useful to both developers and merchants. And that is really great.

What Future Has In Store For eCommerce and Magento

eCommerce is already here with us: more and more people nowadays buy online. And the reasons are obvious: it is convenient, time-saving and very often also a good bargain. Looking back 10 years ago I can say that online stores were more of a shop window and a tool for promoting products, while nowadays the situation is completely different and there are merchants who do not even have a physical store as they sell online only. And quite successful, I should say.

The share of online stores in the modern retail market is really impressive and month by month the number of online stores increases dramatically. So eCommerce is likely to become even more popular in the near future driving customers online. And as far as Magento is concerned it should be said that for the last few years already this platform has been leading in all the world’s largest eCommerce markets, taking the greatest share if compared to other eCommerce platforms. And now, with Magento 2 finally released, I believe there will be a lot more merchants and companies opting for Magento and its share in the market will continue to rise as the platform itself does, bringing new standards to the world of eCommerce.
