August 26, 2024

Magento Speed Up: 10 Ways to Save Your eCommerce Website





The first impression people face during interaction with your website is downloading speed. To understand the possible effects of slow website performance let’s check some research data.Increasing page load speed for 1 second causes:

  • 11 % less page views
  • bounce rate increases by 16%
  • 7% decrease in page conversion

If this did not convince you, take a look at Amazon the world leader in eCommerce. The company lost 1 600 000 $ because of increasing download speed by 1 second.

What is wrong with Magento?

Magento is a wonderful solution for huge high-load projects. The system of modules makes it very mobile and customizable. But for these features, you have to pay for performance. Magento is extremely slow.

What can cause slow work of Magento?

There a lot of different reasons for which the download speed of the site may decrease.In this article, we article we’ll look at the most common issues and how to solve them.

Don’t Panic!

If there are issues with loading speed on your website check the following points.Maybe you missed something and you are able to fix these points right now.

  1. Hosting . Choose a server that can handle a high-loaded system Magento and a huge amount of visits. Use the server that geolocated near your customers. If you reach the limit of performance then add the power of both the processor and RAM or think about moving to another server.
  2. Caching. Use GZIP compression Используйте GZIP and enable browser-side caching.For this case you can use Cache Pro extension by NEKLO.
  3. Optimize your code. Remove unnecessary modules that you don’t use. Research and identify superfluous moment in the code both on the front-end and in the back-end.
  4. Use php accelerators. There are different PHP accelerators. It’s one of the forms of caching. They can improve the performance of PHP scripts by caching and using files in the compiled state.
  5. Don’t forget to update Magento / Use actual version of Magento. This tip is obvious, but still. Always use the current Magento version. So you can use more opportunities and fewer system mistakes. Moreover, the website will be more protected from hacking. If you use Magento 1 you’d better think about Magento 2 migration. Magento 2 provides more features and has a high loading speed.
  6. Optimize your images. Make sure that the most of images are optimized. For those purposes, you can use theImage Magic Extension. You can also use online compressors or optimize images by yourself before uploading to the website.
  7. Use Nginx instead of Apache. Proper configuration of Nginx can significantly speed up of Magento website. Moreover, the functional of Nginx allows to abandon Apache, which also accelerates the loading of the page.
  8. Merge Javascript and CSS files. With a help of Magento configuration possibilities, you can combine JavaScripts and CSS files. This will greatly reduce the load time, since it easier to load one file instead of numerous JS and CSS files.
  9. Enable Flat catalog for product and category pages. Product option combines all product data into one table, thereby improving performance by answering MSQL queries faster. If you webstore has more than 100 products it can be very profitable for the whole site.
  10. Use CDN. Store heavy data, like images and video) in several places using CDN. This ensure that your customers will recieve content faster without burdening the main server. CDN will use the nearest to customer server to load your data, so it decrease the loading speed.

Use this 10 steps checklist and analyze your webstore. If everything had done you probably wouldn’t have read this article. Otherwise, you can fix and integrate all these tips and improve the loading speed of your Magento.